How to Stay Focused in Class

Staying awake and focused in class is a difficult thing to do if you’re not entirely interested in the subject being taught. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to stay awake and focused.

The most important thing you can do is be interested and engaged, but if that isn’t an option (there are many required classes that might not be very interesting to you) there are some things you can do to remain engaged.

Drink Coffee to Stay Focused

You’ve definitely heard of this one before and that’s because it is effective. If you have trouble focusing or are constantly falling asleep in class, then try drinking a coffee during class.

The main component here is caffeine, which is meant to keep you awake and your mind focused and it does an excellent job of doing just that.

Drink coffee to stay focused in class

There are lots of different types of coffee, hot, iced, cold brew, mocha, frappuccino, and others so there is a good chance there is something out there for you. And if you make coffee in the morning, then here’s some information how to keep coffee hot in a coffee maker so you can continue to drink it all day.

But if coffee isn’t for you then keep reading.

Drink Water to Stay Awake

Similar to drinking coffee, but minus the caffeine part, it has been shown that just drinking water can keep you awake and focused. Dehydration is a common cause of exhaustion and exhaustion can lead to you not being focused on what’s in front of you.

Staying hydrated does two things. It prevents dehydration, which in turns prevents exhaustion. And second, it keeps you preoccupied in doing something.

Even something small like drinking water or chewing gum keeps you occupied and active, which keeps the cogs in your mind turning and keeping you on track and focused.

Get a Fidget Cube

As mentioned earlier, just doing something as simple as drinking water or chewing gum, can keep your mind occupied and focused on the task at hand. The same goes for a fidget cube.

A fidget cube is a small 6 sided cube with each side having a small switch, button, lock combination, joystick or some combination that you can play with to keep your fidgety hands at bay.

It was created for people with ADD or anxiety to keep their mind focused, but it can also work for those who don’t have ADD or anxiety by using the same concepts.

Just playing around with something in your hands can be enough to keep you occupied and focused in class.


Obviously you can’t exercise in class, no one wants to hear you lifting weights in the back, but if you exercise an hour before your class you may find yourself more active, alert, and focused on the task at hand.

It’s proven that working out releases endorphins and gets you excited and feeling active post-workout.

Exercise to stay awake

You should carry that excitement into your next class by working out beforehand. A simple 30 minute exercise, such as a run, weight lifting exercise, or cardio at home should be enough to keep that momentum going for the next few hours.

Just make sure to take a shower before your class because no one wants to sit next to someone who just worked out without showering afterwards.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you’re having a constant issue with falling asleep or staying focused in class, it could be the result of something deeper and a medical issue that coffee, water, or a fidget cube won’t fix.

It’s okay to go to the doctor and ask about your symptoms and if it’s the result of something deeper, such as ADD or low blood sugar. Your doctor can run tests and prescribe appropriate medication if you do have an underlying medical condition.

Other Resources

If you’re looking for additional content related to staying awake, then check out these posts below:


Staying focused in class is difficult, but not impossible. Using one or a few of the techniques above can help stimulate your brain and body to stay awake and keep learning about accounting, history, physics or whatever subject is making you nod off to sleep.

So try them out and keep at it!

Improving Each Day
toto togel