How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

While dentist procedures like a root canal can make some people nervous, they are important and many times urgent. If problems are not addressed early on, they can cause long-term issues. As a result, it’s best to get dental procedures like a root canal done as early as possible to mitigate any future risk. One of the most common questions when thinking about this procedure is how long does a root canal take.

In the following article, we’ll answer that question as well as provide some additional insight into the procedure. And most importantly, show why you have nothing to fear with a routine root canal.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take

A routine root canal can take anywhere from 60-120 minutes, depending on the severity of the case. If it’s a fairly easy procedure where the root remains intact, you can expect to be done in potentially under an hour. If it’s a complex case where the root has broken apart, you can expect to be in the chair for 90 minutes or longer.

Many times people correlate time with complexity. While that is often the case, there are times when it’s just a better idea to take it slow. Being meticulous and careful generally takes longer and can mean less issues, less pain, and less worrying.

If you are worried about the root canal, knowing what will happen and when is important. This article from the American Association of Endodontists explains the process of a root canal very clearly. Understanding each component of the procedure, how long it will take, and the factors that can affect that is key to worrying less.

We’ve also compiled some additional information below on the factors and how to make it seem like it’s not taking a long time.

What Can Affect The Length of a Root Canal

There are many factors that can affect how long a root canal takes. Almost all are out of your control, but you can get a better idea of how long it will take based on the following factors.

Complexity of the Tooth

The first and most common factor is the complexity of the case. A simple root canal procedure is where the root is easily accessible and comes out in one piece. If the tooth is impacted, the root is windy and difficult to remove, or broken apart, then you can expect the procedure to take longer.

Experience of the Dentist

The second factor that can affect the length of the root canal is the skill of the dentist. An endodontist who has been performing root canals for 20 years will probably have seen and done it all. This type of dentist will be able to identify any roadblocks and come up with a plan to address things like an impacted tooth or broken root. There is no fiddling around or thinking of what to do.

How to Prevent Root Canal

Whereas a newer dentist might want to take more time to diagnose and figure out solutions. They might not be as skilled at taking out pieces of a broken root.

This is more subjective because a 20 year veteran Endodontist may generally take more time than a dentist fresh out of school, but you can still consider experience a factor.

How Long You’ve Needed a Root Canal

One of the last major factors is how long the root canal has been a problem. This might be the only factor that’s really in your control. Catching the issue and solving it early on will generally mean a less complex case. And a less complex case means it won’t take as long.

Root canals can be caused by a number of factors, but most importantly, they can be avoided by regular care of your teeth. This would include brushing your teeth, flossing, getting regular checkups, and cavities filled when necessary. And if you have a retainer, we’ve written on how to clean a retainer with vinegar to keep it from building up with bacteria.

If you take care of your teeth, there’s a good chance you won’t need a root canal at all. Taking care of your teeth is called preventative care and is the best way to avoid needing cavities filled or root canals.

How to Make a Root Canal Go Faster

There’s not much that you, as the patient, can do to make a root canal go faster since you’re essentially just a spectator in the entire process. However, there are some things you can do to trick your mind into making time go faster.

The first thing you should do is ask the dentist how long it will take and if there’s any milestones or updates he or she can provide. Knowing whether it will take 60 or 120 minutes is helpful context. If you don’t know, then it could seem like it’s taking longer. And it’s even better if the dentist can provide regular updates or milestones in the process. You’ll never be worried about waiting another hour when it will be done in 5 minutes.

The second is to keep your mind occupied by solving a problem. When you’re thinking about the root canal and how long is it taking, it will seem to go longer. As the old saying goes, a watched pot won’t boil. As a result, keeping your mind occupied on something other than the root canal will cause you to worry less and the time will fly by.

You can keep your mind occupied on anything. Things like math problems, solving problems for work, or things you want to build at home and make a plan.


In this article, we covered all types of information related to root canals. The original question of how long does a root canal take can be easily and quickly answered by understanding the factors that go into one.

Generally, a root canal takes about 60-120 minutes. The most significant factor here is the complexity of the case. A simple root canal caught early on can be solved in 60 minutes. For more complex cases where a tooth is impacted, the root is windy or difficult to remove, or broken in pieces, you can expect a longer time in the chair.

But there are ways to make a root canal take less time or at least seem like it. Preventative care is the #1 way to prevent cavities and root canals. But if it’s too late, then catch the issue early on to make a simple case for the dentist. If you’re already in the chair, then work on distracting your mind and avoid focusing too much on the procedure.

Root canals can seem daunting, but at the end of the day it’s a standard procedure performed millions of times.

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